通达OA2013国际版(Office Anywhere International)重装登场

2013-04-10     共 4450 人次阅读此新闻

通达OA2013国际版(Office Anywhere International)是通达信科全新推出的OA产品线。产品秉承“不一样的语言,一样的用户体验;不一样的语言,一样的产品价值”理念,适用于在华外资企业、台资企业、有多语言需求的国内企业及政府机构,其它国家和地区的企业、政府机构及团体。

通达OA2013国际版(Office Anywhere International)秉承了通达信科产品易上手,贴近用户,实施简单,运行稳定,响应高效,功能丰富等众多特色,同时内置中文繁体,英文语言包。在2013年国际版产品会不断推出日语、韩语等多国语言版本。产品目前已服务于中粮,三菱等多家跨国大型公司。

图1. 产品登陆界面

在产品升级服务方面,通达OA2013国际版(Office Anywhere International)通过最新的编码技术保证产品与标准OA功能同步升级,使用户可以快速及时享受到通达产品升级更新换代带来的更多功能和更多稳定性能。

通达OA2013国际版(Office Anywhere International)未来还将不断丰富组件的语言支持,一如既往推出更好的产品和服务,为我们的用户创造价值。



Office Anywhere International is a new product line of TDXK products suits. This product obedience to the Principle “Different Languages, Same User Experience; Different Languages Same values” and focus on the group of customers who have multi-language requirements.

Office Anywhere International has a bunch of characteristics such as quickly started, close to the clients, implementation simply, running stable, fast and functionally rich. Meanwhile it includes Chinese Simplified, Chinese Traditional and English language package. We will soon release more language packages such as Japanese, Korean, etc. Several transnational corporations had chosen Office Anywhere International such as Mitsubishi, COFCO.

Figure 1. Login Page

Office Anywhere International takes a new technology of coding and interpreting, this technology makes Office Anywhere International update synchronously with the Parent product, so that Office Anywhere International users will get the new feature of Office Anywhere timely.

Office Anywhere International will release more components language packages,and create more better product and services to Deliver Value to the Customers.

For more information please visit: https://un.tongda2000.com/